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Showing posts from 2019

How to Respond when God Moves

The past few weeks there has been a lot of buzz on social media about Kanye West and his conversion to Christianity. For those of you who are not in the know, let me explain. Kanye West is a very popular and respected hip hop artist, who had made quite a few records. However, recently Kanye has been quite controversial, first of all for his support of president Donald Trump and now Kanye has come out to say that he has gotten saved. He has since put out a new album titled "Jesus Is King" where Kanye talks about his faith, and God and every song is saturated in scripture and biblical references. Now it should come as no shock that the world has stopped to take notice and site there skepticism. However what seems to be both shocking and at the same time par for the course that are those in the Christian community that are skeptical as well. They say things like "well I hope that He is but time will tell" or "I will wait to see the fruit.&quo