Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Jesus is LORD

 A professor of theology once asked his students to get a sheet of paper and divide the sheet into three columns. 

In the first column they were to write every passage where Christ is spoken of as God-Man; in the second column they were to write all the passages where Christ is spoken of as God alone; and in the third, all the passages where Christ is spoken of as man alone. The professor told the students that they needed to have this paper finished when they came back to class the following week. 

So the students throughout  the weekend started rifling through the New Testament trying to find these different references for Jesus. The students found that first and second columns filled right up, but as to the third column, the one where Christ was mentioned as man alone, it remained blank. This was true for every single student. No one could find a single passage that even alluded to Christ being man alone. 

So the students were a bit worried as they came into class when one one had the third column filled. The professor came and began his class by asking them to take out there class project. He went one by one asking them how many references they found in each columns. Each student had almost the exact amount in each column. Several for the first two, but nothing for the third. 

Finally the professor asked, did you all not understand the assignment? I told you all that you needed to fill each one of the columns up! 

Then it happened one student stood up and spoke up "Professor, we could not fill that column up because there were no references to be found that said Jesus Christ is man alone" "Well done" exclaimed the professor, "you did exactly what I wanted you to do. It is of the upmost importance for you to remember that to. Jesus Christ is both God and Man, but he is never just a man!" 

 That story really highlights an important truth found in scripture concerning Jesus Christ. That truth is that Jesus is both 100% human and 100% God.  Every Christmas we are reminded of the birth of Jesus Christ, yet we need to remember that that is not where Jesus story begins.  Jesus is God, He has always existed before the beginning of time. 

 “In the beginning was the word and the word was with God, and the word was God. He was with God in the beginning. All things were created through Him, and apart from Him not one thing was created that has been created. (John 1:1-3)

 This passage tells us several things about Jesus that we would do well  to remember. We see that He was with God in creation and not just with Him but also He is God. We see that everything that was created was created through Him, and that nothing that was created, was created without His involvement. 

This means that Jesus is not just a man, but that Jesus is Lord. It means that Jesus is God Almighty! This truth makes what Jesus did for you and I so much more important. Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins. He paid for the sins you committed against Him, that you might be set free, and restored back into a right relationship with Him. 

That is why the bible says 


Listen to this short clip of  evangelist Billy Graham talk about who Jesus is.

Friday, January 19, 2024


     Since the early 1900's when Psychology was in its infancy. Psychologists had sought ways to try to test for intelligence. This had led to a number of different tests and methods.

    In 1905 the Binet-Simon was the first to formalize a test for intelligence in children. Since that time there have been a variety of tests developed.

    When I was in school I had been tested many times for my dyslexia and dyscalculia (a learning disability with reading and math).

    Students today have to take a series of test that are designed to test where they are academically. High school students must take either the ACT or SAT. In order to join the military every, you will have to go through a series of test, one of which is the ASFAB. 

    When we talk about God and as we study the bible one of the things we can see is that God is in fact in intellectual being. God is in fact knowledgeable. 

    One of the ways we can know this is not just what God's word says but through creation it self. The world in which we live in is a kind of intelligent test that we all can examine and see. Its through creation that we can see the brilliance and creativity of God. When we look to how we are formed, as we study the cosmos, or look into the very building blocks of life, we are left stunned and in awe of the Divine intellect.

    Issac Newton said this "This most beautiful system of the sun, planets and comets, could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful being. The CEO of Microsoft, Bill Gates says this about DNA (the building blocks of all life) "DNA is like a computer program but far, far more advance than any software ever created" Let that sink in for just a moment. Bill Gates is saying that DNA, (that some people believe just happened by chance) is far more complex than any software ever created. 

    While we can see intelligence through Creation, It's the bible that has the final word on the matter. It is the bible that helps us better understand the intelligence of God.

“Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and unfathomable His ways For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who became His counselor?- (Romans 11:33:34)

· “Great is our Lord and abundant in strength; His understanding is infinite- (Psalm 147;5)

“Even before there is a word on my tounge, behold, O Lord you know it all – (Psalm 139;4)

    There are many other passages of scripture that talk about the vast knowledge of God. Now if you would sum up all those passages together you will find that God is All knowing. Another words God is Omniscience. He knows you, your thoughts, how your feeling, your past, your future, in short God knows everything. 

    There are many ways I feel this truth should impact our lives today, however let me give you just one way that this should impact our lives. I believe that it should humble us. It should cause us to let go of our pride and self-sufficiency. In short it should lead us to draw closer to God in prayer. It should cause us to seek his guidance for our lives. 

    Listen to what King Solomon had to say on the subject.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understandings. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and he will make straight your paths”- Prov 3:5-6

     So instead of trying to live our lives with our own limited knowledge, lets rely on someone more knowledgeable, someone who is laterally a know it all, the Omniscient God of the Bible. 

    Check out this short video explaining how DNA points the fact that there is in fact GOD and shows the complexity of life. 

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