Friday, June 21, 2024


    I believe that many of us love to be in control. No I don't mean to be a boss or own a company per say. What I mean is simply this, all of us want to feel like we have a say in what happens with our lives. We want to manage our own life and think that we can make our own decisions. We don't like it when we are told what to do, or even worse we are told what we have to do. However, if are made to feel like it is our idea, not only will we do it, but we will do it putting all of our energy to it. Why? because we like to feel like it was our idea, our decision. We want to be in control. 

    Nothing has taught this better than my experiences with teaching my two daughters how to drive a car. To be forced to sit in that passenger seat with no breaks, no steering wheel has stretched both my faith, and challenged my patience. There has been many times as my daughters have started to learn to drive that I have pumped the imaginary breaks on my side of the car. 

    Now to be fair to both my daughters it is not that they are bad drivers that maid me nervous. Although there have been times when my nervousness was warranted, but it is not always the case. No, sometimes my nervousness has nothing to do with the skill of the driver and has everything to do with me not being in control of the vehicle. I know this to be the truth because I have had these same feelings when I am riding in the passenger seat with other people.  

    Sometimes I can be that way about prayer too. When it comes to my prayers sometimes I can want to be in control. I sometimes bring my problems and issues of life to God, as I should, but fail to let God handle them for me. Sometimes I come to God praying for my solutions to the problems, rather than giving my problems for God's solutions. I sometimes am guilty of seeking God to give me the answers I want, but not seeking Him for the answers I need. I start pumping my imaginary spiritual breaks on what God wants to do. I start trying to bring about the answers to my prayers, rather than putting it in God's hands and waiting for his answers.  Perhaps you can relate. 

    It has been said that "Spiritual forces cannot work, while earthly forces are active" Isn't that our problem most of the time? We tend to work in our own power so much so that we give so very little room for God to work in and through our lives. Perhaps the reason why we fail to see great blessings from God is because we refuse to get out of the way for God to work. Maybe, just maybe the biggest hindrance to your prayers being answered is you. 

    Listen to what the psalmist says about the need to let God have control. 

Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him, and he will act.- (Psa 37:5)

     The writer tells us that we should commit our way to the Lord. What that means is allow God to have the final say. Let the Lord handle the problems in your life. Don't go to God with you plans, proposals and prospects. Trust your life and the direction it is taking to the Lord.  Stop being a backseat driver and allow the Lord to have full control of your life. After all he is a far better driver for your life than you are. 

    What's the result of committing our way to the Lord, well the psalmist tells us "HE WILL ACT"!! God will begin working things out, in His way, and in His time. We will see God do things in our life that only God can do. 

    So here is my little advice for you today. Get out of drivers seat, and let God direct your path. No its not easy being in the passenger seat, it can sometimes be frightening. Just remember that the fear you face is not do to the lack of ability on God's part to work, but your own issues of letting God to have complete control. 

    However if you want to see God work in your life. If you want more power in your prayer life. If you desire to see God move in a powerful way. Then it will have to take you allowing God to direct your path, no matter where that path is going to take you. So just let God work, enjoy the ride, and remember that GOD HAS GOT THIS!! 

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From the Depths to Divine Destiny