Sunday, July 21, 2024

Good and pleasing Unity

    When I look at the history of the Israelite people found in the bible. I see similarities to my own life as well as to America. By that I am not saying that just like Israel is God's chosen people, and so are Americans. I am not saying that at all. What I am saying is that there are something we see in the nation of Israel that I think we have seen and are seeing in our nation as well. Let me explain. 

    First off Israel was a nation that was divided up by 12 different tribes. In the same way the United States of America is divided up by 50 individual states. Much like America Israel is filled with examples of times when the nation as a whole was fighting among themselves. There were times that these infightings resulted in divisions between people, families and tribes. There are even times when the nation of Israel, much like America once was, was split and separated from one another.  Israel became two diffrent nations, the nation of Judah and the nation of Israel ( comprised of 10 Israelite Tribes). In American during the civil war the country was divided between the North and the South. 

    However there were other times in both of these nations history when we don't see such divisiveness, division and infighting. There are moments when the nation of Israel would come together and work together. As there were times when the United States of America was untied and came together as well.


    I remember how after 9/11 attack how the American people came together as a nation. We laid aside our differences for a time and saw ourselves as Americans first. Almost every house you saw the American Flag waving in solidarity and unity with a grieving nation. Musicians began writing patriotic songs, putting our feelings to words. We came together in prayer and came back to the various houses of worship. We banded together at least for a short time and it was beautiful. 

    One of the times that the nation of Israel had came together as a nation was when David became King of Israel. For years the nation was divided and fighting against one another. The King at the time, waged an all out war against David and anyone who dared to harbor him, even though David did nothing to provoke him. However over time God moved in such away that he removed Saul off the throne and in His place David became King and the nation was united together. 

    Many scholars believe that it was that very event that led David to write Psalm 133:1 

See how good and how pleasing it is for brothers to be living together in harmony!-  (Psa 133:1)

In that one verse we see David is expressing his thoughts and feelings about the unity that he was seeing as he took the throne as King.  David saw it as a good thing and pleasing to God. 

    Now to be sure it was a unity that was tested. They were living together and as anyone who has been married for any length of time can tell you, living together in unity is not easy. You begin to notice the flaws of the other person. Unity takes work and the nation of Israel at that time had to work to maintain that unity.  

    Sadly, much like the unity our nation had after 9/11, the unity Israel had did not last long either. They began fighting amongst themselves. Allowing various issues to be a source of division and disunity. 

    When you look back at the nation of Israel and that of our own nation. I believe that what you find is the moments in our nation where we were our strongest was the moments where we were the most united. Moments when we come together to serve and help one another. Moments when we worked together for a common goal. Where we did not treat our brothers and sisters, our fellow Americans like the enemy. 

    I believe that is true not just for a nation, but that is true for every organization and group of people. No matter if you are talking about a business, a charity organization, a church, or even your family. Unity brings strength, and productivity. It encourages others who feel alone to know that they are not.

    It is a beautiful thing to see in those rare moments when you people once again united together. Its in those moments that I can't help but hear those words penned by King David so very long ago ring true once more. "How Good and and how pleasing it is for brothers to be living together in harmony. In deed it is. 

    So lets strive to work toward unity. Lets work to keep the unity among ourselves. Let's not become divided over silly, secondary matters. Lets be quick to love and understanding. Lets seek forgiveness for our own wrongs and be willing to forgive those who desire to be forgiven. Lets work toward a common goal and build upon the unity that truly is good and pleasing to God. 


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From the Depths to Divine Destiny