Friday, July 26, 2024

Taking God's warning seriously

    Cindy had just got a new job at her town's Dairy Queen. As she worked there she could not help but notice something that concerned her. She could not help but see how blackened, crusted the ventilation duct was in the ceiling over the top of the grills. What concerned her even more, is that she began to notice that the grill seemed to smoke a lot more than she thought it should.  Each day she worked she continued to observe this more closely.  

    Finally she could not help but bring her concerns to the Manager, supervisors and to her co-workers.  However no matter how much she tried, they seemed to not pay to much attention to her warnings or her concerns. They would tell her "Oh it's ok, Its been that way for years and there is nothing to worry about. Cindy could not help but feel that the more she called this to there attention, the more and more annoyed with her and her warnings they became. No matter she was insistent that they needed to get these vents cleaned and it needed to be maintained, other wise it was going to catch on fire. 

    It was not long before Cindy left her job for one that offered more hours and more pay. However, before she left her position she shared once more about her concern and pleaded with her boss to do something about this issue. 

    Sure enough it was not two weeks after Cindy left her job that the unthinkable happened. Sirens began to wail, plumes of smoke could be seen coming from the local Dairy Queen as the workers stood outside watching the restaurant go up in flames. Fortunately no one got hurt, but all of this could have been avoided had someone, anyone would have listened to Cindy's warnings.

    Sadly this kind of thing happens time and time again. So many times we hear warnings about one thing or another and instead of taking the warnings seriously we simply ignore it. Doctors warn you about watching what you eat, but that often does not stop you from pushing away from the table. You may hear how you need to save money for the future, yet you ignore it and spend your money as fast as you make it. 

    In the bible we see several stories where individuals receive warnings from God. Some of these individuals we see take God's warnings seriously. Then there are others who sadly dismiss the warnings from God altogether. 

    In the bible there is a very familiar story about a man named Noah. In this story God warns Noah that He is planning on destroying the entire world with a flood. God told Noah that what he needed to do in light of this apocalyptic news is for him to build an ark for Noah and his family. 

    Years and years later the writer of the book of Hebrews wrote this about Noah;

 "By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith." — Heb_11:7

     We like Noah have been warned by God of another judgment. A great and final judgment that is coming some day soon. "For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God. So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.(Romans 14:11-12)" 

    Much like Noah those of us who are saved are called to the same kind of work. We are to share the good news of Jesus Christ. We are to proclaim to the world that the wrath of God was poured out on His Son for our sake and that if you will just put your faith in Jesus Christ you too can be saved. 

    The question that I believe we need to be asking is this; are you living your life like Noah did? No I don't mean are you building a large ark and gathering all the animals. What I mean is this are you living your life in such a way that you are preparing for His return?  Are you sharing the gospel and warning others of the coming judgment? Is your life that you live a life completely devoted to serving God and bringing Glory to His name? 

    I mankind as a whole tend to not take God's warning seriously. We tend to treat God's warnings like the people at that Dairy Queen took the warning about that vent. We ignore it and try not to think about the judgment of God that is coming. Sometimes we may be cognitively aware of God's judgement, but fail to do anything about it. Sometimes we procrastinate and think that we have all the time in the world to share our faith, to tell others about Jesus. Sometimes we get so busy in our daily lives that we ignore the most pressing issue of our lives and the lives of others, and that is where will you spend eternity. Sometimes we don't share the gospel with others, out of willful disobedience. 

    I believe that as we look at Noah and his story it should challenge us to live our lives in the same way. To take the warnings of God's judgment seriously. To do whatever we can to reach and save as many people as we can while there is time to do it. Lets keep focused on the mission God has given you and I as believers. Lets continue working toward the Great Commission that Christ had given you and I as believers in Christ. 

    Lastly if you are reading this and there is a question or a doubt as to where you would go if the Lord came back tomorrow....or if you were to die today. That may vary well be God's warning for you to get saved before it is too late. Don't ignore it! There is a judgment that is coming for all mankind. All of us have sinned against a Holy and Righteous God. God being a Just and Holy God cannot allow your sins to go unpunished, and so the wrath of God is on you. The great news is however that the wrath of God was poured out on His Son Jesus Christ for you, so that you might be saved. If you will only cry out to God today, repent of your sins and ask God to save you from your sins, you too can be saved today. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.- (Romans 10:13)

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From the Depths to Divine Destiny