Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Discovered Danger

    There was some new construction going on in the new residential area in the polish town of Lubin. Everything was going according to schedule . Aug 10th 2023 seemed like just another day for the construction workers. That is until they made a terrifying discovery. 

    As one of the workers began digging he stumbled upon a very large metal object. This was unusual and unexpected. As the workers began removing the dirt from off the object it became clear that they now had a problem on there hands. This rusted metal object just happened to be a 550 pound bomb that had been left there since WWII. 

    It just so happened that the place in which they were working was used as a labor and prisoner of war camp in WWII. It was believed that this place had been cleaned up and perfectly safe, a belief that was in fact misplaced. 

    Now the question came what are we going to do about this situation? Immediately the local officials took action. They quickly sealed off the area and prevented anyone to get close to this antique of mass destruction. They quickly went throughout the residential neighborhood and evacuated every man, woman and child.  In no time, 14,000 residents quickly left there homes and were relocated far enough away so they could be safe. There they remained until the bomb was able to be neutralized and the area was safe for them to return. WWII Bomb Story

    Without a shadow of a doubt this was indeed a serious situation. However, Spiritually speaking we have something far more serious than a 550 pound bomb. The truth of the matter is that all of us are deserving of the wrath of God. All of us are by our very nature a sinner who has time and again rebelled against God. Our sinful disobedience must be judged by God and all of when judge will be found guilty. No one is exempt. There are no loop holes. All of us are guilty, judged and condemned to a place called Hell.  You deserve to be there and so do I.

    You maybe thinking to yourself "Boy that sounds harsh" or "that don't sound like the loving God I have heard people talking about".  Well, your right it is harsh and sadly there are a lot of people who fail to tell people the truth. The truth is this; all of us are sinners and our sins are far more dangerous than any left over WWII bomb. 

    You sin is the cause of every major issue you have ever face and will ever face in your life. It is the root cause of broken families, and ruined friendships. It is at the heart of all the wars and battles that anyone has ever fought throughout history. It is the reason why we have crooked politicians, and unjust judges. It is the very reason why we have had institutions like slavery, prisons and rehab units. It is at the center of every abused woman, abandoned child, and addicted father. It is the very reason why you have torn people down with your words. It is the reason for those thoughts you have that you dare not say out loud. It is the reason why you struggle with issues of anger, envy and jealousy. More importantly your sin has caused you to be separated from God and it places you under the judgment and wrath of God and will lead you to a place called Hell. 

    I know that none of what I have just wrote is very encouraging. Its for that very reason many "pastors" refuse to tell people the truth. Instead they rather beat around the bush and make people feel a little more comfortable. That is not how those city officials handled that 550 pound bomb. They quickly told the citizens they were in immediate danger. That is what our sins have placed each and every one of us. You are in immediate danger because of your sins. 

    Now if that is all I had to say well that would not be too comforting. However the great news is that Jesus has made a way for you and I to be saved. Like those bomb technicians who neutralized the bomb that could have destroyed thousands of homes and countless lives by putting their life on the line. Jesus who knew no sin, who had no sin nature, not only risked his life, but He laid down his own life for you. He suffered and died and the wrath of God that you deserved was poured out on Him instead. He neutralized our spiritual bomb with his own blood for you. 

    Here is my point I want to make to you today. When the city of Lubin heard there was a WWII  550 pound warhead that was risking the lives of everyone in the area, the city officials took immediate action. The community as a whole willingly and hurriedly left the area. Another words the people took this threat to there lives seriously. 

    Sadly many fail to show the same level of concern about there spiritual life as they would over there physical life. So many people are more worried about the election or the economy or gas prices than they are about where they will spend eternity. We treat sin as nothing more than a mistake at best, or a good time at worst. We fail to see it as God sees it. We fail to see it as a real and serious threat to our lives and our eternity.  We treat sin as some light thing that God does not get to upset about. 

But listen to what God says about sin

"Vengeance is mine, and recompense; Their foot shall slip in due time; For the day of their calamity is at hand, and the things to come hasten upon them- (Deut. 32:35)

"For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. Whoever believes in Him is not condemned but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God (John 3:16-18)

    So let me ask you if you were one of the 14,000 people who heard that there was a 550 pound bomb that could go off destroy you and all of the people around you; what would you do? You you ignore your the situation at your own peril. Would you leave but refuse to tell anyone else about it? Would you beat around the bush about the situation, trying not to scare them? Or would you tell them the truth and show them the way to safety? 

    I believe any sane person would first of all leave the area as quickly as possible. I also believe that many people would try to inform as many people as they knew or came in contact with about the dangerous situation that they were in. To do other wise would be to both foolish and unloving. 

    So if that is true about a 550 bomb. How much more should it be true about the spiritual danger that all of us find ourselves in? How much more should we flee from our sin? How much more should we warn others of the impeding judgment to come? How much more should we be grateful that Jesus loved us enough to die in our place?

    If after reading this you feel God calling you to run from your sinful condition and be saved. I encourage you to simply call out to him and asking Him to save you. The bible is clear that "all those who call upon the name of the Lord will be saved". If you want to know more or have any questions feel free to comment on this blog and I will be sure to reach out to you and share with you the great news of Jesus Christ. 

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From the Depths to Divine Destiny