Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The Exceeding Abundant Able God

    The last words found in Sir Walter Scott’s diary was “Tomorrow we shall". Sir Walter Scott never finished writing what he planned to do. He never did whatever he wanted to do. The reason; Sir Walter Scott never finished that sentence, and he never did what he planned to do, because he passed away before he could do it.

    Perhaps Sir Walter Scott had plans to write a new book or pen a new poem. Perhaps he needed to go and pay off a debt that needed to be paid. He might had intended to fix up his office or clean up his room, or keep some promise he made to someone. However Sir Walter Scott was planning on finishing his sentence in his diary and no matter what plan's he had intended to do we will never know. We will never know because he was prohibited in doing it. 

    All of us must come to terms with our limitations in this life. There are things that you are not able to do. Things that are beyond you abilities and skill set. Personally speaking, I was not built for any kind of sports (Except for competitive eating, I think that is one sport I could really sink my teeth into 😜).

 What I mean is that I throw a ball with my left hand but catch with my right. I was never one to run very well and now that I am getting older I am finding my body does not move the way it used to. There are things that we no longer can do, due to our health or our age. Much like Sir Walter Scott none of us are going to live forever and that is one limitation that we all must come to terms with at some point. We are limited. 

    Now while this is all true about each and everyone of us, this is not true about God. There are no limitations placed on God. There is nothing that God is not capable of. Nothing that God cannot accomplish or is out of His reach. God is all powerful, all knowing, and all wise. 

    This truth is an important truth we need to keep in mind, especially as we come to God in prayer. When we draw close to Him in prayer we must remember that we are coming before the one who can do all things. 

    This is a truth that the apostle Paul had expressed in his prayer that he wrote down in Ephesians. Listen to how the apostle Paul closes his prayer. 

Now to Him who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, forever. Amen.- (Eph 3:20-21)

    Did you catch that? The apostle as he closes his written prayer, he reminds us about the God he is praying to. He is reminding his readers the God that they are praying to as well. He says that the God we serve and the God we pray to is able. He is able to do what we are asking. He is able to answer your prayers. He is able to hear your hearts cry. He is able to know all the things your suffering with and he is able to apply the remedy to all the heart aches you have in life. He is Abel. 

    If that is how Paul ended it, that would be enough, but that is not the case. Paul tells us that God is not just able, but he is exceedingly abundantly able. Paul uses two words that are seemingly similar to express the radical truth that God is able.  Paul is telling us that what ever answer to your prayer you think is possible, God can exceed it. Whatever outcome you are hoping for, God is able to provide abundantly. Paul uses these two words as a way of expressing how great our God is and that you can and should trust Him in prayer. He is more than able! He is Abundantly Able. He is Exceedingly Able. He is Exceedingly, Abundantly, Able to answer your prayers. 

    There is not a hardship, struggle or problem in your life that God does not have a solution to. There is not a challenge, difficulty, or question that God will ever be stumped by. He can do whatever you maybe asking, and he can do more than you are requesting. He can do more than you are able to imagine is possible. 

    So while you and I are very much limited in what we can do. God is able to do exceedingly abundantly able to do all that we could every ask Him, need or want. Trust in Him and Go to Him in prayer. You will be glad that you did. 

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From the Depths to Divine Destiny