Friday, October 4, 2024

There will be no more

  A little girl was walking in the cemetery with her aunt one day. She was examining the various gravestones. When suddenly she cried out, "Oh, auntie, look here! Here is the tomb of some poor person who has not gone to heaven." This took the Aunt by surprise and she asked "Not gone to heaven?" She then turned to look at what her niece was referring to. The grave stone she was looking at was an elaborate monument with weeping angels sculptured in marble. The monument was very pretty and was decorated with various flowers. So the aunt being a bit confused asked  "Why, what do you mean?" "Well, auntie," said the child, "the person in the grave cannot have gone to heaven, or the angels would not be crying!"

    Honestly, that girl was right. 

    There are a lot of things about heaven we really cannot know for sure. We can't know what exactly Heaven will look like. The bible gives us a few descriptions and while it is helpful the words we read fail to give us a complete picture. We don't know what the tree of life will look like. I have seen many trees growing up in Tennessee but I am sure that tree will be very different from the tree's I am used to seeing. I have tried many different fruits like apples, oranges, and pears and all of them are wonderful. However, I am sure the fruit from that tree will be something entirely different.  I have had many happy and joyful experiences in my 45 years of life, and I am sure I will have many more experiences (Lord willing).  Yet, I don't know all the joyful and happy experiences that await me in heaven. 

    I said all that to say this, The one thing I am absolutely certain of is that all the pain and hurt. All the tears and morning that we experience here on this earth will one day be no more. Pharmacies will be closed and doctors will be out of business. There will be no need for hospitals, Nursing Homes or Funeral Homes. No pandemic, no epidemic, no flu season and no suffering. 

    When God had design this world it was made compactly and utterly perfect. Death, sickness, and disease was absent from God's design. All that changed when Adam and Eve sinned against God and rebelled. From that day forward all of God's creation was tainted with sin. The effects of this willful and sinful disobedience was a world filled with pain and suffering. 

    Yet, I know that one day the world filled with sin and sins curse will one day be remade by God. It will one day be remade to God's original and perfect design. A world without sin, death and decay! A world as it should be, a world as it once was before sin entered in and corrupted it all. A world filled with the presence of God, filled with the Glory and Love of God. A world were we will one day come face to face with the God of all creation. 

    In this world there are a lot of things that can cause us to weep. There are many things that can lead us to be broken and hurt. 

    However, for those of us who are saved, we know that one day there will be no more weeping, crying or pain. 

    Take some time to listen and meditate on these words 

And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.- (Rev 21:4)

    I don't know where you are in your life right now. I don't know what all your dealing with in your life. But I do know this; if you will are a believer in Christ, there are better days ahead. 

    As always if you want to know more about what it means to be a Christian...comment on this post and lets talk! 

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