Monday, January 20, 2025

Don't wait till the rope breaks

    A few American tourist were visiting Portugal and they went to a monastery that they were told they should check out. This monastery was unique in that it was on top of a 3,000 foot cliff and only accessible by a basket. 

    The basket was large enough for a few people get in it to ride to the top. The basket was pulled up with a single rope and with several strong men.

    So to say that this left these Americans with a few concerns would be an understatement. Though they had some concerns and a couple of questions. These brave tourists hopped in the basket. They had seen many others ascend and descend this cliff without incident. So this added to there confidence and courage.  

    Well about half way up the cliff the American noticed that the single rope that was raising the basket looked to him to be a little frayed. This mad the man a little nervous as anyone would be. 

    So looking to relieve his fears and concern he asked the monk that was in the basket "How often do you change this rope?"  The monks replied "Whenever the rope breaks"

      I am sure the Monk that it was a bit funny and as I read that story I must admit that it made me smile. However, I don't think that would have made this tourist or those in the basket very safe at all. In fact I am sure the tourists must have thought "the time to change the rope is not when it breaks." 

    The time to be worried about the safety of the rope is not when the rope breaks. They time to be concerned about the safety standards of a basket that is lifting you up 3,000 feet off the ground is not half way up the cliff. I would say the time to be worried is before the rope breaks, and before you get into the basket.

    Similarly, the time to worry about where you will spend eternity is not on your death bed. The time to worry about where your friend or family is going to spend their eternity is not at the funeral. 

    While that is true, there are many people today who live with that uncertainty. There are many people who live there lives hoping that everything will work out. There are many people who are not sure where there loved ones will spend eternity. This is one of the things that I often hear when someone has lost a loved one. 

    The bible tells us that we need to take advantage of the time we have been given. The bible tells us that we should not wait till we meet the Lord to see where we will spend eternity. The bible tells us that we don't have to wait till then, we can have an assurance. The bible warns us for a reason. The bible reminds us time and again that we need to get these things settled with before we meet the Lord. We need to take advantage of the time we have been given today. To take advantage of the opportunities God has given us to get things settled between ourselves and God. 

Working together with him, then, we appeal to you not to receive the grace of God in vain. For he says, “In a favorable time I listened to you, and in a day of salvation I have helped you.” Behold, now is the favorable time; behold, now is the day of salvation.- (2Co 6:1-2)

    The apostle Paul is writing here and telling us that you should not receive the grace of God in Vain. Another words, don't just hear the gospel message and do nothing about it. 

    I have seen many people who I have shared the gospel with. Some of them accept and receive the gift of salvation. However there are others who do not. Sometimes you could even tell they were convicted of there sins. Sometimes you knew they wanted to get saved.  Yet, sadly they refused to put there faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ to be saved. They fail to do anything with the gospel that they had heard. 

I have seen many people under the burden of conviction and leave church under that burden intent to wait for another day, another time, a more convenient opportunity to get things right with God. There have been times when another time did not come. There never seemed to be a more convenient moment and the person, as to my knowledge, never was saved. 

    This is why Paul tells us in that passage that " Now is the favorable time Now is the day of Salvation" Salvation is to important to wait on. Waiting till you meet the Lord to see where you will spend eternity is a little to late. The time to get things settled is Now. 

    The time to be worried about a persons salvation is not when the casket is lowered into the ground. The time to share the gospel or to have a gospel conversation with those around us is not when they are gone. The time to do that is Now! 

So if you are reading this and you want to get things settled between you and God. Please reach out to me and I would love to talk with you about Jesus. 

    For those of you that are saved. I hope this is a reminder to you that there are people we know that need to hear this message So take advantage of the opportunity God has given you my brothers and sisters and share the gospel with those around you while you have the chance. 

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From the Depths to Divine Destiny