Thursday, January 16, 2025

The need to Read


    Imagine if you will there is a married couple and they are madly in love. with one another. Things are going great in there marriage and it would appear that their relationship will last.

    However one day the husband gets news from his boss that he has to go for a year overseas to a job site and unfortunately he will have to go alone. He goes home and talks it over with his wife. While she is not particularly fond of the idea of her husband leaving she knows that he has to do it to keep his job. He packs his bags and kisses his wife good bye and boards the plane. Before he leaves he promises his wife that he will write her every day. 

    Sure enough the Husband is devoted to writing a letter to his wife every day. He spends time sharing in his letters all that he is doing, how much he misses her. He spends money every week getting stamps and rushes out send to the mail room. 

    There is just one problem, his letters never arrived at the house and to make matters worse. His work was in a remote location where he had little to no access to a telephone for several weeks. 

    So what might be the response you suppose that husband is going to get when he finally gets ahold of his wife? What do you think his wife is thinking not getting any of those promised letters from her husband? I don't know exactly but I am sure it would not be good. I think we could all agree that the couple would have a little bit of a difficult time on there hands. 

    It has been proven time and time again that the number one problem in most relationships is either a lack of communication or poor communication. Sometimes it is that the people are not talking to one another. Other times the problem comes from not understanding what the other one is saying. Sometimes the problem is that they misunderstand what had been said or written down. 

    When we talk about our relationship with God communication is key as well. So many Christians fail to take the time to actually listen to what God has said in His word. So many Christians have never read ALL of the bible for themselves. There are so many Christians today who don't even take there bible with them to church. That would be like never opening any letters from your husband and answering the phone when he calls. 

    It really is sad to say this but for the first time in church history. The church is filled with people who are educated enough to read the bible. They have access to read the bible for themselves. They have various options to read the bible in a variety of translations. Yet the church is filled with Christians who are biblically illiterate. They can read it, they could read it, they just refuse to read it. 

    But does it really matter? Well here are just a few quotes from America's historically prominent men:

"That Book, sir, (the bible) is the rock on which our republic rests"- President Andrew Jackson

"It is impossible to righteously govern the world without God and the Bible- President George Washington

"The New Testament is the very best book that ever was or ever will be known in the world" - Charles Dickens

"It is impossible to mentally or socially enslave a bible reading people- Horace Greeley

"I ask every man and woman in this audience that from this day on we realize that part of the destiny of America lies in their daily pursual of this Book (the bible) - President Woodrow Wilson 

     Reading the Bible is not just a good thing. Reading the bible and following it's instructions will enable you to find Christ as your all sufficient Savior. It will minimize your anxieties, decrease your appetite for lying, cheating, stealing, immorality and all manner of vice and sin. It will realize what true peace, lasting joy and unconditional love really is. Through it you will draw closer to God, and begin to align your life to God's purpose. Reading the bible is not just a good thing, it is vital for every believer in Christ.

16 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, 17 that the man of God[a] may be complete, equipped for every good work.- 2 Tim 3:16

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