There was once a Doctor who started working at a new hospital in a new town. On his first day at work this doctor meet a nurse. The two doctors really hit it off and over time became close friends.
These two guys had several things in common. When it came to football they both cheered on the Chicago bears football team. When it came to baseball however, they both refuse to support any team other than the St. Louis Cardinals. They enjoyed many of the same kind of foods and listened to many of the same bands. They both really enjoyed each others company.
There was just one thing that these two doctors did not quite see eye to eye on. That one thing was religion. The doctor was a devout believer in Christ and the nurse was a staunch atheist.
Over time the two would talk about religious matters. The Doctor really wanted his friend to come to Christ. Yet time and time again his friend would not budge.
Well one day the atheist came into his friends office because he was feeling sick. The doctor looked at him and ran some test and found out that his friend had a bad infection. The doctor wrote a prescription for his friend and told him to start taking the medication as soon as he received it.
However there was a problem. The problem was that it was a holiday weekend and all the pharmacies in town were closed. It seemed like he not be able to get the medication until Monday.
However the problem was that it was a holiday weekend, and all the pharmacies in town were closed and it would look like that he would not get his medication until Monday.
So the nurse called his doctor friend and told him that he won't be able to get the medication until Monday and asked him if he needed to be concerned. The doctor told him he would more than likely be ok, but if he starts to feel worse to make sure to give him a ring. Feeling unsure and uneasy the nurse asked the doctor "Do you have something in your office, I don't feel like I need to put this off until Monday.
The doctor tried to reassure his friend and told him he would be fine to wait till Monday. Then the Doctor said "I have to ask you a question? The Nurse replied "ok shoot" Then the doctor asked the nurse "Why is it that you can't seem to wait to get this medication to heal your infection, but your perfectly fine to wait to receive salvation from the Great Physician?"
You know it is a sad but true fact that many people will spend their eternity in hell. They will go there not because they were not given a chance. They will go there not because God did not love them. No, many will spend there eternity in hell all because they refused to receive the gift of salvation.
There are many who live there lives worried about all sorts of things. We worry about everything from money, to our health, politics and the economy. Yet, rarely do people think or worry about where they will spend eternity.
I have seen far to many times people putting off making a decision to be saved. I have seen people who were clearly worried about their own standing before God, yet refuse to take a step toward getting right with God. I have seen people get so close to finally accepting Jesus Christ as there Lord and Savior, only to say "Well let me sleep on it and we can talk about this tomorrow. People who think that they have all the time in the world, and not realizing that the life we live is fleeting.
Listen to what God's word says about it.
We then, working together with God, make our request to you not to take the grace of God to no purpose. For he says, I have given ear to you at a good time, and I have been your helper in a day of salvation: see, now is the good time; now is the day of salvation:
(2Co 6:1-2)
We only have one life to live, and there are a lot of things we can be busy doing. However, in all the things you plan on doing this year. In all the different things you feel you need to do. Make sure if you have not already done so, come to Jesus Christ before it to late.
For those of us who are save. I want to encourage you to take the time you are given to share that good news. Spend your time sharing the gospel message with someone who needs to hear it.
I mean with something as important as eternity the question must be asked "Why would you wait?"
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