Thursday, February 27, 2025

Saved by the Word


 Have you ever heard the old saying, "the pen is mightier than the sword"? Well, in this case, it was the words that saved a life!

    On October 14, 1912, President Theodore Roosevelt was on the campaign trail, seeking re-election. That same day, an angry bartender fired a shot at him, hitting him in the chest. Most would have expected the president to fall, but what happened next was nothing short of miraculous.

    Despite being shot, President Roosevelt insisted on delivering his scheduled speech. He spoke for 90 minutes to a captivated crowd before heading to the hospital. How did he manage to survive such an ordeal, you might ask?

    It turns out that the president, known to be long winded, had placed his 50-page speech in his coat pocket. The thick stack of papers significantly slowed the bullet, preventing it from causing serious harm. Instead of a fatal injury, Roosevelt only suffered a cracked rib.

    This incredible story serves as a reminder of the power of words. Just as Roosevelt's words physically saved him, the words we speak and hear have the potential to save and transform our lives in profound ways as well. 

 The famous philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre once said, "Words are loaded pistols," The Bible echoes this sentiment: "When words are many, sin is not absent, but he who holds his tongue is wise" (Proverbs 10:19).

    I can tell you from personal experience that my mouth has gotten me into trouble more times than I can count. Especially when I was younger my mouth used to get me in a whole lot of fights. Even today there are things that I say that end up getting me into trouble. It is my mouth that has caused me to have to eat a little crow as they say, and let me tale you crow don't taste good at all.  However there is one word that can give us life, save us, and help us: that is the Word of God.

    In the book of James 1:21-23, we read: "Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you. Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror."

    James is instructing us to receive the word with meekness and then live it out. Hearing the word is not enough; we must apply it actively in our lives. When we do this, the Bible tells us that it has the power to save our souls. 

    When a person hears the gospel and responds in faith, the bible tells us that they are saved. "So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God" (Romans 10:17). When the word of God is heard and applied, it brings life and blessings.

    So you see we have a choice, we can allow our words to cause harm and destruction. We can allow the words of others to cause us inner conflict, anger and a range of other destructive feelings. Or we can listen and abide by the word of God. Listening to what God's Word says and following after it.  Lets try to remember to taste our words before we spit them out. 

    So let me give you a few ways I think we might be able to do that. 

1. Daily Devotion: Spend time each day reading and meditating on the Bible. Start with a verse or a chapter and reflect on its meaning and how it applies to your life. Pick up a devotional from the store or find one online. At our church we purchase Open Windows for people to use. When I was growing up we used to have the Daily Bread publications delivered to our church. 

2. Speak Life: Be mindful of the words you speak. Encourage and uplift others with your words, rather than tearing them down. My mom used to tell me "If you can't say something nice, then don't say nothing at all" Pretty sound advice if you ask me. 

3. Live Out Your Faith: Look for practical ways to apply God's word in your daily life. Whether it's showing kindness to a stranger, forgiving someone who has wronged you, or being honest in your dealings at work, let your actions reflect your faith. Your actions may lead others to Jesus. 

4. Join a Bible Study Group: Engage with a community of believers where you can study the Bible together, discuss its teachings, and support one another in living out your faith. At Ashmore Baptist Church we have a Sunday School class at 9am and a Sunday night bible study at 6pm. Or do the next best thing and start up a small group bible study. You will be amazed at how much you learn as you study and prepare to help others learn the word of God as well. 

5. Memorize Scripture: This has kind of fallen out of favor in the past several years, but it is a good thing to try to memorize certain passages of scripture to memory. Commit key verses to memory that can guide you in moments of temptation, doubt, or difficulty. Having scripture readily available in your mind can provide comfort and direction. You never know when your going to need it. 

    Let's take the challenge this week to not only read God's word but to live it out in our lives. By doing so, we may discover new blessings and an unspeakable joy that comes from walking in obedience to God's word.

Here’s to living a life saved and transformed by the power of the Word!


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From the Depths to Divine Destiny