Monday, February 12, 2024

God is the Real Deal

  Go down the cereal isle this week and you will find several different boxes of cereal that look similar. The color scheme is similar, the nutritional information is similar, and the overall taste many times is similar. Sometimes the generic brands are just as good and there is little to no diffrence to the taste. (Except for Oreo's! I don't know what they put in those cookies to make them taste the way they do, but the generic chocolate sandwich cookies just are not the same. But I digress.) You see for the most part there is very little diffrence between the cereals except one might say "Honey Nut Cheerios" and the other might say "Honey Nut Scooters".  That's because one of the cereal's is name brand and the other is generic. 

    Now the generic brands tend to design their product after the name brand product they are mimicking. They are trying to entice you to try there product that they are claiming is just as good as the other only its not as expensive. 

    Now for the most part when it comes to groceries getting the name brand items is not that big of a deal.  However there are things in life that you don't want to get the cheep imitation. Sometimes its worth paying the extra money to get a superior product. For instance a cubic zirconia sparkles just like a diamond, but heaven help you if you bought a cubic zirconia engagement ring trying to pass it off as a genuine diamond. (Not that I am speaking from experience.)  Somethings are just worth getting the real thing. 

    I think this is true about God as well. We live in a world where there are a lot of cheep imitation knock off gods. All in all there are about 10,000 distinct religions world wide. To put it another way, there are 9,999 cheep imitation god's, and 1 genuine real living GOD. 

    When it comes to knowing God you and I should not want to follow these other cheep imitations. We should desire to have a real relationship with the real and living God of the bible. 

   One of the things we see time and time again throughout scripture is that there is only one God. While there are plenty of counterfeits out there there is one One God. 

Listen to what Moses had to say to the people of Israel as they prepared to enter into the promise land. 

"Listen, Israel: The Lord our God the Lord is ONE""- Deut 6:4

Listen what Paul told the church in Corinth:

 “We know that an idol is nothing in the world and that there is no God but one” (I Cor 8:4) 

Here is another passage found in the book of Hosea; 

But I am the LORD your God from the land of Egypt; you know no God but me, and besides me there is no savior.- (Hos 13:4)

These verses are just a few of the 28 passages that are found throughout scripture that say specifically that God is God alone and there are no other gods. This truth is found time and time again. The bible warns us of following the cheep imitations. The bible encourages us to worship the one true and living God, the God of the bible. 

    So lets take some time this week and spend time with the one true God. Lets talk with him in prayer. When your traveling in your car turn on a Christian song, or just start singing one of your favorite hymn, and give God some of your worship.

    Oh and one more thing! Do you know what people do when they have the real deal. When they have the real diamond ring, or a authentic Rolex watch? You show it off, you wear it around and you tell others about it. 

    So once you have spent some time with the one true God, don't be scared to share Him with others. Let them know all that God has done in your life. Share a word that God gave you this week. Encourage others to spend time with God. 

After all they too can have a real relationship with the One true and living God. Why would you want them running around believing in a cheep imitation god? 


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