Thursday, July 25, 2024

Scientific Déjà vu

   Last week as I happened to come to a interesting article  published by Popular Mechanics. This article was about a new scientific discovery where they said they found the light source that literally turned on the Universe.  You can find this article here: Astronomers Found the Ancient Light Source That Literally Turned On the Universe

     I want to just share the first portion of that article because I found it very interesting. 

"For hundreds of a millions of years, the universe existed in the dark ages—an epoch when only primordial gasses existed. Then, a period of reionization, cleared away this foggy existence an introduced light into the universe. Now, an international team of scientists at the helm of the James Webb Space Telescope have analyzed eight of the faintest dwarf galaxies that existed during this time, and determined that these galaxies produced enough radiation to kickstart the reionization process. While the “Epoch of Reionization” sounds like the title of a sci-fi novel destined for a Hugo award, this very real era of the universe featured the first light from the very first stars. Before this epoch, the universe was nothing more than a dark void filled with a fog of primordial hydrogen gas—and then, suddenly, there was light."

Another words what these scientist discovered is that before the universe began there was nothing but a "dark void filled with a fog of primordial hydrogen gas" Then as they describe it "Suddenly there was Light"  What a fascinating discovery that these scientists have found.

    But what I found most fascinating is not the discovery it self. No, what I thought most interesting is that much like how Christopher Columbus "discovered" America, this discovery was nothing new. In fact when I read this article I could not help but feel I had read something similar somewhere else before. In fact I was positive that this discovery was already documented not 20, 100, or even 1,000 years ago. No this discovery had been written down well over 4,000 years ago! 

    You see when I read that article I could not help but realize that what those scientists described fit exactly with the first three verses of the book of Genesis.

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

(Genesis 1:1-3)

    I want you to realize how unique this is. Before the invention of the telescope, space shuttles and the exploration of outer space. Before we sent a probs to Mars, and before Neal Armstrong took that historic "giant leap". This discovery was already inscribed in scripture. In fact before America gained it independence, before the dark ages, before the fall of Rome or the conquests of Alexander the Great, this newly discovered information was already written down. How is that even possible? 

    Out of all the creation stories from various religions in the world very few of them believe the world was created out of nothingness. The vast majority of the creation myths believe creation started with some animal, mythical creature, or some demigod. Those creation stories that do believe the universe was created from nothingness, believe that the first thing that was created was something other than light. This makes what we read in Genesis unique and the only one that agrees perfectly with this "new found discovery". 

    This is just one of the many times we find when a scientist, astronomer, archologist, or a historian discovers something that the scripture had already declared.  Time and time again we see scripture being proven true when new discoveries are being made. Surprisingly the bible has described with great accuracy things like evaporation, precipitation, and condensation. It points out truths about the earth and the universe that were unknown for thousands of years. Prior to 1993 it was debated weather or not there was a real King David who ruled the nation of Israel, that is until they found an artifact that confirmed it. If you want to learn more about these things check out these two articles 3 scientific Facts found in the bible  and Archaeologist proves the bible

    I have said all of this to say this. When we talk about the bible, we are not just talking about just any book. We are talking about the Word of God. These "new" discoveries show us time and again the reliability of scripture. We see that the bible giving us reliable information on the things that we see, research and find, not just once but over and over this has been true. Its this reliability in scripture that should help us trust those things that cannot be tested in a lab, looked at through a telescope, or discovered in a archeological dig. It should give us the confidence in knowing those miraculous events we read about in scripture actually and factually happened. 

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.
(2 Timothy 3:16-17)


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From the Depths to Divine Destiny