Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Discovered Danger

    There was some new construction going on in the new residential area in the polish town of Lubin. Everything was going according to schedule . Aug 10th 2023 seemed like just another day for the construction workers. That is until they made a terrifying discovery. 

    As one of the workers began digging he stumbled upon a very large metal object. This was unusual and unexpected. As the workers began removing the dirt from off the object it became clear that they now had a problem on there hands. This rusted metal object just happened to be a 550 pound bomb that had been left there since WWII. 

    It just so happened that the place in which they were working was used as a labor and prisoner of war camp in WWII. It was believed that this place had been cleaned up and perfectly safe, a belief that was in fact misplaced. 

    Now the question came what are we going to do about this situation? Immediately the local officials took action. They quickly sealed off the area and prevented anyone to get close to this antique of mass destruction. They quickly went throughout the residential neighborhood and evacuated every man, woman and child.  In no time, 14,000 residents quickly left there homes and were relocated far enough away so they could be safe. There they remained until the bomb was able to be neutralized and the area was safe for them to return. WWII Bomb Story

    Without a shadow of a doubt this was indeed a serious situation. However, Spiritually speaking we have something far more serious than a 550 pound bomb. The truth of the matter is that all of us are deserving of the wrath of God. All of us are by our very nature a sinner who has time and again rebelled against God. Our sinful disobedience must be judged by God and all of when judge will be found guilty. No one is exempt. There are no loop holes. All of us are guilty, judged and condemned to a place called Hell.  You deserve to be there and so do I.

    You maybe thinking to yourself "Boy that sounds harsh" or "that don't sound like the loving God I have heard people talking about".  Well, your right it is harsh and sadly there are a lot of people who fail to tell people the truth. The truth is this; all of us are sinners and our sins are far more dangerous than any left over WWII bomb. 

    You sin is the cause of every major issue you have ever face and will ever face in your life. It is the root cause of broken families, and ruined friendships. It is at the heart of all the wars and battles that anyone has ever fought throughout history. It is the reason why we have crooked politicians, and unjust judges. It is the very reason why we have had institutions like slavery, prisons and rehab units. It is at the center of every abused woman, abandoned child, and addicted father. It is the very reason why you have torn people down with your words. It is the reason for those thoughts you have that you dare not say out loud. It is the reason why you struggle with issues of anger, envy and jealousy. More importantly your sin has caused you to be separated from God and it places you under the judgment and wrath of God and will lead you to a place called Hell. 

    I know that none of what I have just wrote is very encouraging. Its for that very reason many "pastors" refuse to tell people the truth. Instead they rather beat around the bush and make people feel a little more comfortable. That is not how those city officials handled that 550 pound bomb. They quickly told the citizens they were in immediate danger. That is what our sins have placed each and every one of us. You are in immediate danger because of your sins. 

    Now if that is all I had to say well that would not be too comforting. However the great news is that Jesus has made a way for you and I to be saved. Like those bomb technicians who neutralized the bomb that could have destroyed thousands of homes and countless lives by putting their life on the line. Jesus who knew no sin, who had no sin nature, not only risked his life, but He laid down his own life for you. He suffered and died and the wrath of God that you deserved was poured out on Him instead. He neutralized our spiritual bomb with his own blood for you. 

    Here is my point I want to make to you today. When the city of Lubin heard there was a WWII  550 pound warhead that was risking the lives of everyone in the area, the city officials took immediate action. The community as a whole willingly and hurriedly left the area. Another words the people took this threat to there lives seriously. 

    Sadly many fail to show the same level of concern about there spiritual life as they would over there physical life. So many people are more worried about the election or the economy or gas prices than they are about where they will spend eternity. We treat sin as nothing more than a mistake at best, or a good time at worst. We fail to see it as God sees it. We fail to see it as a real and serious threat to our lives and our eternity.  We treat sin as some light thing that God does not get to upset about. 

But listen to what God says about sin

"Vengeance is mine, and recompense; Their foot shall slip in due time; For the day of their calamity is at hand, and the things to come hasten upon them- (Deut. 32:35)

"For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. Whoever believes in Him is not condemned but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God (John 3:16-18)

    So let me ask you if you were one of the 14,000 people who heard that there was a 550 pound bomb that could go off destroy you and all of the people around you; what would you do? You you ignore your the situation at your own peril. Would you leave but refuse to tell anyone else about it? Would you beat around the bush about the situation, trying not to scare them? Or would you tell them the truth and show them the way to safety? 

    I believe any sane person would first of all leave the area as quickly as possible. I also believe that many people would try to inform as many people as they knew or came in contact with about the dangerous situation that they were in. To do other wise would be to both foolish and unloving. 

    So if that is true about a 550 bomb. How much more should it be true about the spiritual danger that all of us find ourselves in? How much more should we flee from our sin? How much more should we warn others of the impeding judgment to come? How much more should we be grateful that Jesus loved us enough to die in our place?

    If after reading this you feel God calling you to run from your sinful condition and be saved. I encourage you to simply call out to him and asking Him to save you. The bible is clear that "all those who call upon the name of the Lord will be saved". If you want to know more or have any questions feel free to comment on this blog and I will be sure to reach out to you and share with you the great news of Jesus Christ. 

Sunday, August 25, 2024

God certainly works in mysterious ways!


 This blog post is not so much as a devotion as it is just a testimony. Which I believe can be a blessing to the reader just as much as it has been for me experiencing it.

    You really never know how the things God does in your life will be used until you get a chance to look back and see the hand of God in it. 

    That certainly is the case for me as I look back on the past several months. It was about this time last year that my car which I had only had for 2 years decided to quit on me. This led me and my family having to break down and go and purchase a new car. This meant that we had to do something we had not had to do for nearly 20 years and that is get a loan. Until then we had always paid our cars out in cash. 

    Looking at the finances we quickly realized we need to make a little bit more to stay a float. My wife had just stated a job working as a bus monitor for the school. I knew that they were always hiring and that this would be the kind of job that would allow me to still do what I needed to do as the pastor of Ashmore Baptist Church and still be able to make a little extra cash to help pay for my new/used car.

    What I did not know and what I came to find out is that this was a blessing in disguise. This job allowed me to not only pay for my car payments along with a little extra added income. It also allowed me to connect to so many different people, both students and my fellow co-workers. This allowed me to share the gospel to several people I came in contact. It also was a catalyst for something that I could have never planned for, that is foreign missions. 

    It was around October when I was on a bus and there happened to be two new students that were going to get on the bus. The diffrence was that these two students did not speak any English. They had just arrived in America and had relocated to the small town of Charleston IL.  I did not know this at the time but God was going to use those two students to move me in a direction I really never thought I would be going down. 

    As a bus monitor I feel that part of my job is to connect with these kids. I want them to feel like they can come to me if they have a problem and know that when I correct them they know it is coming from a position of concern and compassion. So I try to make it a point to at the very least welcome them on the bus with a "Good Morning" or a "Good Evening".  I try to joke around with them when I can and wish them a good day at school.

    The problem is that I could not do that with those two new students. They were Hattian and they spoke French and Haitian Kreyol. So I turned to technology and began trying to learn a little bit of there language so I could treat them like I treat the rest of the kids on the bus. So I downloaded the Duolingo App and a Language translator app on my phone. It took a little bit of time, patience but I began learning a few words. 

    When the kids got on in the morning I would greet them with "BonJou" (Good Morning)  and as they got off to school I would tell them "Orevwa Na we pita" (Good bye, I will see you later)   or "Ou pase yon bon Joune" (You have a nice day).  I would ask them questions about there language, there culture and there life. It was not long before I was starting to build a relationships with the kids. 

    Surprisingly however, those two students were not the only students to come. In fact I started to see more and more new students who could not speak English, many of whom were Haitian. I started to see that this was becoming a problem for the teachers in the school. I started seeing more and more Hattian's in the groceries stores and walking around town.

    As I came into contact with both the students as well as the adults I was meeting. I would strike up conversations with them and talk with them as best as I could. Two things always seemed to come up when I would speak to them, especially with the adults. The first thing I would hear is "Kikote mwen aprann angle?" (where can I learn English?). The second thing I would hear is "Mwen vle ale leglize" (I want to go to Church)

    It quickly occurred to me that this was a need that no one was seeing and a need I felt God moving me to try to meet it in some small way. I reached out to several people for advice. I did a lot of praying. 

    Over time God began to move things in place. He put me in contact with someone who had started their own ESL  (English as a Second Language) class in there church. I took a small group to see how it all worked out. God placed a Hattian family in my path and I began building a connection with them. As time has went on I have have gotten better and better with learning the Kreyol language and I am continuing to make new and exciting connections with various Hattian immigrants that are coming into our community. 

    As I look back on this past year I see God's hand moving and shaping things in my life. Had you asked me two years ago if I thought I would be learning another language I would have laughed at you and said "I barely know English" (which is true) The Idea of a dyslexic learning let alone pick up another language is a miracle in and of itself. 

       God used my car to break down, for me to break down and take another job I was not looking to take. To meet people I probably would have never meet. To learn a language I know I would never of thought to learn. To see a need I would have never been able to see. To begin a ministry I never thought would have ever been possible. God certainly works in mysterious ways. 

Friday, August 23, 2024

When your Call gets Dropped

    There was a problem a few years back in a county near by Ashmore, where I live. Turned out that some of the first-responders, firefighters and police officers were having trouble communicating in certain parts of the county. Apparently, there were certain dead zones in the county where the radios was unable to receive or transmit a signal. There were several areas in the county where the signal would be weak, making it difficult for the people to understand one another.

   I know that I have times when I would be talking to someone and the signal would not be great and the call is dropped. That kind of thing can be frustrating, especially when you don't know when it was dropped and you find your self talking to your self, that is until you realize the call was dropped. That alone is frustrating.

    However it's one thing to be on the phone with someone and all of a sudden you lose connection. It is something entirely different when you are trying to save a life, or protect a life and you can't communicate. I don't know about you but if my house is broken into and the police need to call for back up, I want them to be able to call for back up right away. If I happen to be in a car reck, and I am needing to me air lifted out. I don't want them to have to drive around to find a good signal. In cases of life and death good communication is not just convenient it is essential.

    That is not just true about emergency personnel, but spiritually speaking it is important for you and I to have clear communication with God. You want to make sure that the lines of communication with the Lord is free and clear. You don't want any dead zones or weak signals when it comes to your prayer life. 

    One of the things that happens when we get saved is that we begin a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. When this takes place there are many blessings that are attached to that relationship. One of which is that you are now able to communicate with God. Unless a person comes into a relationship with Jesus Christ it is impossible for them to speak to or hear from God.

    All these other religions have what they might call prayer. However because they do not follow and they have yet put there faith and trust in Jesus Christ, they are not speaking to God. They lack the ability to communicate to God because they have yet to receive the forgiveness of their sins. So the separation that exists between them and God has not been rectified through Jesus Christ, who died that they might be forgiven.

     All of that changes the moment you come to Jesus Christ and receive that free gift of salvation that He purchased for you on the cross of Calvary. The moment you get saved, the lines of communication between you and God are connected. Prayer is transformed to become more than just mere words. It becomes the means in which you are able to have a dialogue between you and the One and Only true and living God. This is what the apostle Paul was writing about when we penned those words found in his letter to the Romans. 

 For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father!”- (Rom 8:15)

    While all of this is true it is sadly equally true that many times our lines of communication can become corroded. We can become robbed of the clarity of our communication in our conversation with the Creator. There are times in our lives where our prayer life is in a dead zone. There are moments when our calls to God are dropped. There are times when our communication with the Lord becomes muddied and static. 

    There are a lot of reasons why this can happen to you as a believer in Christ. One of the biggest reasons is however is do to unconfessed sin in your life. In fact there are many passages that talk about this very thing. You see it matters a great deal how you live your Christian life. The bible time and time again shows us that the sin we allow in our lives has a way of causing our communication with God to become corroded. This corrosion in our communication with God makes our prayers inoperable and ineffective. Don't believe me? Listen to what Peter has to say about it in his first letter. 

For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and his ears are open to their prayer. But the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.”- (1Pe 3:12)

    It is here the apostle Peter tells us how the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are open to their prayer. In short there is a clear signal, the lines of communication between the righteous and God are open.

    However, the apostle Peter makes a comparison here. He says "But the face of the Lord is against those who do evil. So unlike the righteous who have a clear and open line of communication with God. Those who do evil, Peter says, do not. There prayers, there communication is clouded over by there sinful state. 

    So how can we make sure our communication with God is clear and unbroken? Well the answer to that question is actually found in the previous verse. 

let him turn away from evil and do good; let him seek peace and pursue it.- (1Pe 3:11)

    If the problem with our prayer is our sins, then the answer is to simply repent of them. To repent simply means to turn from the direction you are currently going to go the way you need to go. So instead of indulging and living in unconfessed sin, turn from it, confess it and start walking back toward the direction God desires for you to go. Ask the Lord to restore your fellowship with Him and in so doing your lines of communication will also be restored.  

    We as believers have a wonderful and powerful relationship with God through Christ Jesus. This relationship gives us free access to communicate with God the Father. However our communication is not always what is should be and it is in those times when you feel your prayer life is not what it should be. When you feel like your prayers are not being heard. When you no longer can hear the voice of God in your life. Those are the moments when you need to check and make sure that there is not any unconfessed sin in your life creating a unneeded barrier in your dialogue with God.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

The One you can't Fool!

    On October 15th 2009 something tragic happened to a Colorado family that got national attention. Falcon Heene the family's six year old son had gotten trapped in a homemade Helium balloon and it had accidently floated away. 

    For two hours the authorities and media outlets tracked down the balloon's flight path. Many people were fearing the worst and were worried about the fate of Falcon. The fears were relieved when the balloon eventually landed about 50 miles from the family's home and it was discovered that the boy was not inside the balloon, but instead it was discovered that the boy had been hiding in the attic the entire time.  Tragedy was averted. A family has been reunited. A terrifying story with a story book ending. 

    However the relief turned into disappointment and outrage when it was later came out that the entire thing was nothing more than a elaborate hoax orchestrated by the parents. The parents of Falcon Heene had hoped to use this event to gain publicity and perhaps secure a TV show deal. The parents were later charged with several offenses, including conspiracy and making a false report. Balloon boy story

    Understanding the motives of others is not always easy. Sometimes things are not always as they appear. Sometimes the exterior of the shiny red apple, keeps us from seeing the hidden rot lying beneath the surface. Sometimes the sweetest words come from the sourest of hearts. What may appear to be a good deed can be done with malicious intent. Sometimes what we see is the gift but fail to see the axe behind the persons back.

    This can lead to many people being fooled and can cause people to be misled. This can cause us to question motives of the good deeds of others. It can lead us to distrust the kind words, and good deeds of others.  It can cause us to become jaded and lead us to become a skeptical and cynical person. 

    While it may be easy to mislead and misrepresent others in believing something untrue. You maybe able to mislead others of your true intent and hide the true motives behind your good deeds. While you maybe able to fool others. You may even be able to fool yourself. You will never be able to fool God.

    We need to remember it is not just what we do that will be judged by God, but the motives behind what we do that will be judged as well. God knows not just what we do, say and think, but He also knows the motives behind them. The acts of kindness that you may have done in your life will be weighed with your true intention in performing them. The gracious words that you speak will be laid on the scales of God's judgment along with your heart that you had when you spoke them

    And if anyone builds on this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble, each one's work shall be revealed. For the Day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try each one's work as to what kind it is. If anyone's work which he built remains, he shall receive a reward. If anyone's work shall be burned up, he shall suffer loss. But he shall be saved, yet so as by fire.- (1Co 3:12-15)

    We would do well to remember that we might fool others by our good deeds, but God knows the  secret motives of your heart. One day we will all have to give an account for the things we do. The things we do that don't have the purest of  intentions will be found out, it will be seen for what it is. Your kind words will be tried and weighed for the purity of your intent.

    So lets make sure whatever you do for God, do it with the purest of intention.  Build on the foundation of Christ with a pure love that is expressed by the things you do and say. Make sure that you will suffer no loss, but that the works you do for God will stand the test of time.  Make sure that your motives are pure and our actions are Holy. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The Exceeding Abundant Able God

    The last words found in Sir Walter Scott’s diary was “Tomorrow we shall". Sir Walter Scott never finished writing what he planned to do. He never did whatever he wanted to do. The reason; Sir Walter Scott never finished that sentence, and he never did what he planned to do, because he passed away before he could do it.

    Perhaps Sir Walter Scott had plans to write a new book or pen a new poem. Perhaps he needed to go and pay off a debt that needed to be paid. He might had intended to fix up his office or clean up his room, or keep some promise he made to someone. However Sir Walter Scott was planning on finishing his sentence in his diary and no matter what plan's he had intended to do we will never know. We will never know because he was prohibited in doing it. 

    All of us must come to terms with our limitations in this life. There are things that you are not able to do. Things that are beyond you abilities and skill set. Personally speaking, I was not built for any kind of sports (Except for competitive eating, I think that is one sport I could really sink my teeth into 😜).

 What I mean is that I throw a ball with my left hand but catch with my right. I was never one to run very well and now that I am getting older I am finding my body does not move the way it used to. There are things that we no longer can do, due to our health or our age. Much like Sir Walter Scott none of us are going to live forever and that is one limitation that we all must come to terms with at some point. We are limited. 

    Now while this is all true about each and everyone of us, this is not true about God. There are no limitations placed on God. There is nothing that God is not capable of. Nothing that God cannot accomplish or is out of His reach. God is all powerful, all knowing, and all wise. 

    This truth is an important truth we need to keep in mind, especially as we come to God in prayer. When we draw close to Him in prayer we must remember that we are coming before the one who can do all things. 

    This is a truth that the apostle Paul had expressed in his prayer that he wrote down in Ephesians. Listen to how the apostle Paul closes his prayer. 

Now to Him who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, forever. Amen.- (Eph 3:20-21)

    Did you catch that? The apostle as he closes his written prayer, he reminds us about the God he is praying to. He is reminding his readers the God that they are praying to as well. He says that the God we serve and the God we pray to is able. He is able to do what we are asking. He is able to answer your prayers. He is able to hear your hearts cry. He is able to know all the things your suffering with and he is able to apply the remedy to all the heart aches you have in life. He is Abel. 

    If that is how Paul ended it, that would be enough, but that is not the case. Paul tells us that God is not just able, but he is exceedingly abundantly able. Paul uses two words that are seemingly similar to express the radical truth that God is able.  Paul is telling us that what ever answer to your prayer you think is possible, God can exceed it. Whatever outcome you are hoping for, God is able to provide abundantly. Paul uses these two words as a way of expressing how great our God is and that you can and should trust Him in prayer. He is more than able! He is Abundantly Able. He is Exceedingly Able. He is Exceedingly, Abundantly, Able to answer your prayers. 

    There is not a hardship, struggle or problem in your life that God does not have a solution to. There is not a challenge, difficulty, or question that God will ever be stumped by. He can do whatever you maybe asking, and he can do more than you are requesting. He can do more than you are able to imagine is possible. 

    So while you and I are very much limited in what we can do. God is able to do exceedingly abundantly able to do all that we could every ask Him, need or want. Trust in Him and Go to Him in prayer. You will be glad that you did. 

Thursday, August 8, 2024

My Responses to the Olympic Opening.

    Like most people in the world this past week a lot of people have been watching the Olympic games that were held this year in Paris France. Many of us have been watching our favorite Olympic sports on TV. Cheering on our favorite athlete or team. Rooting for those people we might know either personally, or by some other association, who are representing their country before the entire world. 

      Like me, you have seen or at least heard something about the Opening for the Olympic games. They held this opening ceremony on the Seine River. Where on these large boats the athletes from these various countries were waving their hands in celebration before the entire world. This was the first time in the history of the Summer Olympics that the opening ceremony took place outside of a stadium. However, that is not why it got the attention that it did. 

    What stood out most about this opening ceremony was that within this ceremony there seemed to be (to many) a depiction of Leonardo da Vinci's painting of the Last Supper. The table was filled with men in drag along with one or two children. They were dancing and having an enjoyable time. Along with this they had a man by the name of Philippe Katerine, a French singer and actor, who (according to Philippe) was dressed up to be Dionysus a Greek god. Philip was painted in glittery blue paint, and he performed his song "Nue" (which means naked in English) while he was in fact mostly naked and lying on a platter. 

    This sparked a lot of controversy throughout the world and with various responses. Many Christians were outraged by what they perceived to be a mockery of their faith. Many of them proclaimed loudly that they would be boycotting the Olympics altogether. Then there were some Christians who said that while they did not condone it, they also said that we need to come at it with a little more understanding. They made statements of how Jesus would not react out of anger and how neither should we. Then there were those who, while they were not upset with the scene itself, did not believe this was a very family friendly program that the Olympic games have always been. Then there were others who came out to condemn the notion that this was a portal of the Lord's supper at all. They came out to declare that this is clearly and unmistakably about the feasts of the Greek gods and mythology. They mocked anyone who was convinced otherwise. Then there were those who saw this event as a beautiful piece of modern art. The controversy this stirred was so great that eventually the IOC (International Olympic Committee) apologized for this event and removed the video from their Youtube channel entirely. 

    I have taken a lot of time to think about this before I decided to make any kind of remark about this issue. That is why it has taken me almost a week in a half to write this article. However, I feel that in this age of technology and information we are living in, we are way too quick to react and far too slow to listen, understand and think things through. So, after a great amount of time here are some of my personal takeaways.

    1. This event was meant to spark controversy. No matter what you believe, or what side you take on this matter. The truth is this event was designed to spark controversy. They knew what they were doing would be edgy and that many people would have a problem with it. They said that this opening event was supposed to highlight diversity and inclusivity. So, they thought the best way to do that is a drag queen runway show and a half naked "Papa smurf" singing about how we all should be nude? 

If that was not bad enough they did all of this in front of children who were right there on stage with them and before the entire world. I am sorry they knew from the very beginning stages of planning this event it was going to be controversial and they succeeded. 

    2. We should be upset, but not for the reasons you might think. I get the frustration over the perceived mockery of our Christian faith, it’s frustrating. However, it’s nothing new. There have been many who have made a mockery of the famous painting depicting the last Supper. 

However, the world making fun of and laughing at our Christian faith is nothing new. In fact, Jesus told us that we should expect such things. So, this should not have taken any of us by surprise, and while it is frustrating we should not get upset when lost people do sinful and blasphemous things. 

    However, what we should be upset with is the blatant wickedness and depraved sins that our children were being exposed to. We should be more upset that a child was physically there as a half-naked man was singing, or the man next to this child that just happened to be exposing himself. We should be outraged at the commercial that promoted and celebrated gross sexual immorality. These things should cause us to make our blood boil, more than seeing a mockery of Leonardo's depiction of the Last Supper. 

    3. Jesus's response to these people would not be to wash their feet! I have heard a great many, well-meaning Christians who made a remarkably similar statement. On the surface it sounds theologically sound. Every one of the disciples who were at the Lords Supper was in fact a disciple of Jesus Christ and they each had their own sin issues. Yes it is true that Jesus did in fact wash the feet of men like Matthew a tax collector, Peter who would soon deny him, and yes even Judas who would soon betray him with a kiss.

    But there is one ENORMOUS difference between those disciples and the drag queens trying to make a mockery of the Last Supper. That substantial difference is this, those drag queens are not Jesus's disciples! Those drag queens are living in sin, they are separated from God, and they are headed for a devil’s hell if they don’t repent. They don't need their feet washed; they need their sins forgiven. Jesus already did more than enough for those people when he died on the cross for them! No, I think Jesus would tell those people what he said to the woman who was caught in adultery "Go and sin no more". 

    Yes we should be loving, kind, understanding and even winsome. However, I am afraid that in our desire to be all those things, we have watered down the gospel to the point that it is not convicting. We should and need to call out sin whenever and wherever we find it. Yes that certainly is true for the sins we find in the church, but that should not be the only time we call out sin. Did not John the Baptist call out the sins of King Herod? Did not Jesus call out the sin of the Samaritan woman at the well?

    We cannot give the world a pass on their sinfulness all because they are sinners. In fact, it is because they are sinners, lost in their sins that they need their sins exposed by the light of God's word! How else will this lost world know what they are doing needs to be repented of? How else will they know that their lifestyle, the way they are living their life is an afront to God? How will they ever call out to be saved if they do not see that they are in fact in need to be saved? We must call out sin whenever and wherever we see it.


So, what is your take? Leave a comment and let me know. 

From the Depths to Divine Destiny