Sunday, March 9, 2025

Divine Distractions


    Have you ever been in a conversation where you realized the other person wasn't truly listening? Their mind was elsewhere, distracted by their thoughts or the screen in front of them. A common sight it seems like these days, and one that I am guilty of as well. 

    To be honest this happens to my wife frequently. She can be sharing something important, but I might be reading an article, watching a video, or simply lost in my thoughts. Although I may respond with a nod or a murmur, I’m not genuinely listening. The real test comes when she asks me a question about what she just said. This causes me to franticly try to come up with an answer, instead of admit I wasn't really listening in the first place. Usually, my attempt to piece together an answer from the fragments I caught fails miserably. The result isn't always pretty. 

    This scenario isn't intentional or constant, but sometimes my mind is just preoccupied. In the many years that we have been married my wife has learned that sometimes she needs to take extra steps to ensure I pay attention. She might ask me to put down my phone or book,  she may seek confirmation of my full attention, or choose a better time to talk. 

    Similarly, when it comes to listening to God, our minds and lives can be so cluttered with busyness that we fail to truly hear what He is trying to say. Think about all the things in your life that is always seeking your attention. We have our jobs, our families, we have notifications and emails that keep popping up on our phones. Notifications about this update, or this new event in the news today. In all of this busyness sometimes we can't hear God, or rather we are not really taking the time to tune in to what He is saying to us. 

    Being so distracted that we can't really listen to God is nothing new. It has always been a problem with mankind. This is something Job's friend reminded him about

"Why do you contend against him, saying, ‘He will answer none of man's words’? For God speaks in one way, and in two, though man does not perceive it." – Job 33:13-14

    Job assumed God was silent, not responding to his prayers. Maybe you can relate to him, Maybe you have felt like your prayers were not being answered. Or maybe you have felt that God was not talking to you or He did not have anything to say. 

    However, Job's friend corrected this misconception, explaining that God speaks in multiple ways, even if we don’t always perceive it. 

This reveals three important truths:

·         God is not silent: Even in silence, He speaks. There are moments when we can hear Him clearly, but often, we miss His voice because we are not attentive. One of the great ways God speaks is through his word, and one of the reasons why we fail to hear him speaking is that we fail to pick up the bible and read it. 

·         God is always speaking: Whether we realize it or not, He continuously communicates with us. Our challenge is to listen amidst our distractions. 

·         Variety in communication: God uses diverse methods to get our attention, just as my wife does when she can't reach me initially. He speaks through His Word, the Holy Spirit, life experiences, music, other believers, and various messages.

Throughout the Bible, we see God employing different ways to convey His message. He is far more interested in talking to us than we often are in listening to Him. So how can we better attune ourselves to His voice? How can we be better listeners? Let me give you a few idea's.

·         Set aside quiet time daily: Dedicate a specific time each day to pray and read the Bible, free from distractions. Put your phone on silence, turn off the TV, and begin reading the bible. Take time to pray and ask the Lord to speak to you through His word. This practice helps cultivate a habit of listening for God’s voice.

·         Engage in reflective practices: Journal your thoughts and experiences, reflecting on how God might be speaking through them. Look for patterns or insights that emerge over time. This is something that I have done for the past several years. As I read the bible or a devotional or book and I come accross a passage that I feel God speaking to me, I write it down. I then write that verse or verses out and put down some thoughts that I have about that passage and begin studying and meditating on those verses. Sometimes this ends up being something I preach, other times it ends up being something just for me and my personal edification. 

·         Seek counsel from others: Share your thoughts and seek advice from trusted friends or mentors who can provide a different perspective and help you discern God’s guidance. This is why joining a bible study class or going to church is vital for your spiritual growth as well as listening to what God maybe speaking to you about. God places us around people who can help us and who we can help. He may very well speaking to you through one of those people and you maybe the voice that God will use to speak truth in someone else's life as well.

    By paying closer attention and being open to God’s varied means of communication, we can better hear His gentle nudges and guidance in our lives.


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